Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A New Goal

I admit it. I never gave him a chance. Having to work on Chapel days, I downloaded Dr. Charles Roesell’s message and started listening to it. I had never heard of him nor his credentials and within the first few sentences I had checked out mentally. “I’m sure this old feller is a nice man, but what relevance can he have for mostly 20 something future pastors and church leaders? He may have met Moses face to face, but now even his jokes seem stale, and what’s with all the alliteration?” Pride, pride, pride. (Didn’t someone write a book about that?) Praise the Lord, I was snatched from that pit when he began talking about the disciples’ response to the hungry crowds, “Yes, they’re in need…let’s send them away. And that’s the response of so many modern churches.” Yikes, that’s some insight. Another devastating blow came when he said, “The early church was known for its poverty and power. The modern church for its wealth and weakness.” Yes, our churches could go right on doing what they’re doing if God never existed. But the real kicker was when he responded to the question, “Why Leesburg, and why you? God wanted the most ordinary place and the most ordinary preacher so people would know it’s a God thing. It is not a man thing.”
Well, as moved as I was by this message I still made the wrong application. Driving home with my wife Saturday night and thinking about his “Ministry Village” I said, “I wish I had a longing for something specific. You know, a driving passion for that one thing that I new God wanted me to do. Then I could just focus all my energy on that and I wouldn’t be wondering and half-heartedly pursuing many goals.” My wife calmly responded, “I think we’re supposed to pursue God.” …Well…yeah…but…you know… um…ok…that’s something. “As the deer pants for the water…” And as I thought about that (didn’t someone also write a book about Pursuing God?) I quietly doubted. Yes, but while I’m pursuing God who is going to pay the bills? Then another verse came to mind, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things (food, clothes, etc.) will be added to you.” Yes! Yes!! That makes sense. I can pursue God with all my heart and strength. That’s something I can do that right now. Then my wife added, “I think if we purse God, then we’ll just kinda live into what we’re supposed to be doing.” Amen. Who is this woman? I was caught with a renewed passion and focus. I’ve taught this to many people over the years, but maybe I’ve never stared down the barrel of an empty checking account. So now it’s personal. And it’s exciting. So here’s to being more concerned with God than with what God may or may not have for my future.

1 comment:

Marlo said...

Lots of good stuff here.
I think our fundy Baptist background had it quite wrong on the whole "finding out what God's will is" stuff. Good thing you have a wise wife to help you wade through it!
I believe God is much more practical than we like to think. He calls us to action, not just to ideals.
Great post, Justin!